ISSS-14 online in 2022
The 14th International School for Space Simulations
In recognition of the Covid-19 epidemic situation, we decided to hold the special edition of ISSS, “ISSS-online”, this September. We will focus on online schooling with no regular symposium.
The conference date will be from September 12 to 16, 2022. We will lecture online on essential simulation techniques such as MHD, Particle-in-cell(PIC), Hybrid, and Vlasov. In addition to the virtual simulation lectures, we will have a poster session for young scientists using virtual conference software through which young scientists can interact with each other as well as with senior scientists. Further details will be posted on this website at the earliest time.
We look forward to seeing you online in September 2022!
Hideyuki Usui (The LOC chair, Kobe University) e-mail:
12-16 September 2022
Full online
The Web Program of the ISSS-14 has been released.
Zoom URLs and other materials for each lecture are available in the web site.
(Only registered participants can access the page. For login information, refer to an email invitation with the subject “[ISSS-14] Login information for web program including Zoom URLs”.)
Registered participants can confirm their registration details as well as download receipts, invoices and certificates of participation in the “Confit” system.
The program of ISSS is designed for the teaching of space plasma simulation techniques and sharing of state-of-the-art simulation advances and results with researchers in plasma physics.
In ISSS-14, the online school is arranged so that tutorial/hands-on sessions on various types of plasma simulation models including: particle-in-cell (PIC), Vlasov, hybrid, and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) codes, will be presented along with review and invited talks on cutting edge topics in space plasma physics research. In the online poster session, young scientists will be able to interact with each other as well as with senior scientists, who have deep expertise in advanced space plasma simulations.
ISSS-14 is open to all members of the scientific community, with participation by graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and young scientists particularly encouraged.
